For the citizen

Answers to frequently asked questions

How do we book an appointment at the Outpatient Clinics?
How long before the appointment should we arrive at the hospital?
Do I need to confirm the appointment I made a while ago?
How can I come to the Hospital for an examination?
What measures to prevent the spread of coronavirus are taken when patients visit the Hospital's Outpatient Clinics?
What supporting documents do I need to bring when I am admitted to the Hospital?
How can I get Laboratory Test results, a copy of the Medical Record, an examination certificate at the Emergency Department or Medical Certificates/Opinions?
I was examined at the Emergency Department and the doctor gave me sick leave. What should I do?
Where can I verify the authenticity of my doctor's signature?
Our baby was just born at the hospital. What documents do we need to bring in to register it?
How can I verify the authenticity of the signature of my relative, who is hospitalized in the Hospital, in order for him to authorize me to carry out his own tasks outside the Hospital?
Is there an EOPYY auditor at the Hospital?
Is there free WiFi in the Hospital?
Where can we address for complaints?
What services does the Office for the Protection of the Rights of Health Service Recipients offer?
What are my rights as a Recipient of Health Services in the Public Health System?
How can I get a copy of my medical record?
Can I get a copy of my radiological examinations on CD?
Visiting Policy - Precautionary Measures
Can I stay the night at the Hospital as a companion?
My child is hospitalized, how can I get a residence permit for an accompanying person?
Can I have a exclusive nurse during my hospitalization?
How can I be informed about the coverage offered by my insurance company in relation to my hospitalization?
I do not have insurance coverage. Will I be charged for the services I receive during my visit to the Hospital?
Can I request a copy of a medical or hospitalization record for a third person?
Can I get my medication from the Hospital Pharmacy?
Where can I report a violation of EU law?